1. Matthew 6:25-34
Jesus says μὴ μεριμνᾶτε. What does the Greek verb μεριμνάω1 mean? Do you μεριμνάεις? What is the danger?
What two examples from nature does Jesus use to illustrate God's care for creation?
Which biblical poem does Jesus draw upon in his teaching about worry2?
What does the passage suggest about the availability of resources in God's design of the world?
How does Jesus encourage us to approach our resources and possessions?
What invitation does Jesus extend to those wrestling with worry about scarce resources or potential problems?
According to the passage, what evidence does Jesus point to for God's generous care?
Matthew 7:1-5_Not judging others
The video covers vv1-2. The questions are on vv1-5.
Μὴ κρίνετε! What are the shades of meaning of the verb κρίνω3?
How does Jesus' teaching about judging in John's gospel [John 3:17 cf John 9:39] appear contradictory and how can this be reconciled?
Can we discern the “dogs” and “pigs” [v6] or the false prophets [vv15-20] without judging? What is the difference between discernment and condemnation in the context of Jesus' teaching on judgment?
What metaphor does Jesus use to illustrate the proper approach to addressing others' faults?
Why do the μακάριοι people need to be humble in relation to judging others?
How does the passage relate the act of judging others to "playing God," and why is this problematic?
According to the passage, what is the ultimate goal of Jesus' teaching on judgment in terms of human relationships?
BibleProject Podcast/Sermon on the Mount»
"μεριμνάω, -ῶ...a. to be anxious; to be troubled with cares:...Mt. 6:27, 31; Lk. 12:25; b. to care for, look out for, (a thing); to seek to promote one’s interests...Mt. 6:34...1 Co. 7:32–34...1 Co. 7:34...Mt. 6:34" Joseph Henry Thayer, A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament: Being Grimm’s Wilke's Clavis Novi Testamenti (New York: Harper & Brothers., 1889), 400.
“κρίνω (krinō)…1. LN 30.75 decide, come to a conclusion (1Co 2:2); 2…prefer, to judge one thing better than another (Ro 14:5); 3…evaluate, judge based on correctness of something (Ac 4:19; 1Co 10:15); 4…hold a view, have an opinion (Ac 15:19); 5…make legal decision decide a legal question of right or wrong (Jn 18:31; Ac 23:3); 6…condemn, judge as guilty (Jn 7:51); 7. LN 37.49 rule over people, govern (Lk 22:30)”. James Swanson, Dictionary of Biblical Languages with Semantic Domains: Greek (New Testament) (Oak Harbor: Logos Research Systems, Inc., 1997).