1. What was whole burnt offering [Leviticus 1]?
2. What was the grain offering [Leviticus 2]?
3. What is peace offering [Leviticus 3]?
You may need to go back to last week’s teaching. Leviticus was written a long time ago in a culture very different to our own! A short answer would be that the first three sacrifices were a kind of progression of offerings that were a liturgy or acting out of a devotional that show the seriousness of approaching a Holy God.
The sin offering
What does the sin offering cover [4:2]?
What does the Torah require for deliberate sin, e.g. murder [Genesis 9:6], adultery [20:10], blasphemy [24:16], idolatry [Deuteronomy 13:6-11], sabbath desecration [Exodus 31:14-15, 35:2], striking a parent [Exodus 21:15,17] kidnaping and selling people into slavery [Exodus 21:15,17]?
Skim [or read] Leviticus 18. What might “cut off from among their people” [v29] mean? Now read 1 Corinthians 5:1-2]!
How does the Torah deal with theft [Exodus 22:1-4]? Why is this different to murder?
Why were the cities of refuge needed1 [Numbers 35]?
V5:1 seems to jar with the rest of the passage as it seems to be an intentional sin. The Bible for Everyone2 translates it like this…
When a person does wrong: he heard the sound of a vow and he was a witness (either he saw or he knew). If he doesn’t tell, he carries his waywardness.
Leviticus 5:1.
Is this a deliberate sin or one of neglect or omission? Have you ever not spoken up when you should?
How does the forgiveness offered by Jesus differ from the Levitical sin offering?
Bible Project’s Guide to Leviticus»
Bible Project’s Leviticus Scroll podcasts»
Michael Heiser’s Naked Bible podcast 63: Introducing Leviticus»
There is no atonement for accidental murder.
John Goldingay and Tom Wright, The Bible for Everyone: A New Translation (London: SPCK, 2018)