What was Jonah's message to Nineveh?
How did the people of Nineveh respond to Jonah's message?
What actions did the king of Nineveh take upon hearing the news?
What did the king's proclamation order?
Elohim can mean god/God or gods. It is ambiguous at first whether the Ninevites are addressing the gods generally or Jonah’s God specifically.
How do the pronouns in vv9-10 indicate that it is God [singular]?1
A: "Elohim" is used to refer to both God and gods, reflecting the polytheistic context of Nineveh, but ultimately refers to Jonah's God in the singular.How does God respond to the Ninevites' actions?2
Why is the name YHWH not used when referring to God's response to Nineveh's repentance?3
BibleProject Guide: The Book of Jonah»
The BibleProject takes a different slant to Jonah as do others. It is good to hear other voices :-)
The pronoun “his” [singular] is used twice. It is as if, like the sailors on the boat, that through the lens of polytheism they understand that the God above all gods is indeed the God of Jonah.
God sees their deeds and their turning from evil ways, and changes his mind, or repents, about the disaster He had planned, not carrying it out.
YHWH is not used because God is not in covenant with the people of Nineveh.