What is the meaning of Jonah's name and his father's name? Do you think the names have any significance to the story?1
How does the book of Jonah begin, and what does this indicate?2
What was significant about the Assyrian Empire during this period?3
What are some parallels between Jonah and Jesus?4
In what ways could Jonah be seen as a love story?
Why were the sailors terrified when they learnt that Jonah was a Hebrew?
What was the outcome for the sailors after they threw Jonah overboard? What is the parallel in Jesus’ life? Who are the sailors in the parallel?5
BibleProject Guide: The Book of Jonah»
The BibleProject takes a different slant to Jonah 1. It is good to hear other voices :-)
Jonah means "dove," and his father's name, Amittai, means "faithful, trustworthy, loyal".
The book begins with the word vav [and] indicating that it is part of a larger story within the 12 minor prophets in the Hebrew Bible.
The Assyrians were known for their fierce and cruel nature, employing various torture techniques although they were not as strong at this time.
Both Jonah and Jesus slept in a boat during a storm. Jesus also referred to the "sign of Jonah," stating he would be in the heart of the earth for three days and nights, just as Jonah was in the belly of the sea monster.
Jonah would be Jesus in dying for the nations represented by the sailors. The sailors would be the Romans, representing the nations, who execute Jesus. We should be clear, though, that the sailors did not want to kill Jonah and repent for doing so. Jonah’s bad behaviour has forced them into this role that YHWH still works out for the advance of his kingdom.