God is compassionate. Read Numbers 14:17-19. Why does Moses pray for forgiveness for the people whilst quoting Exodus 34:7? Could we be reading this verse not as the Israelites would have understood it?
God is gracious. Do you consider your speech to be full of grace? Paul says, “Let your speech always be with grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how it is necessary for you to answer each one.” [Colossians 4:6]
God is slow to anger. Why does God get angry if he is a loving God? What is the purpose of God's anger?
God is abounding in loyal love. The Loyal Love of God keeps promise, is fully committed to relationship with self-giving generosity. To whom are you showing loyal love presently. How is that person, or persons, experiencing loyal love from you? (Fulfilled promise, commitment, generosity)
God is faithful. God promised Abraham that his descendants would outnumber that stars of the sky [Genesis 15:5-6]. How was God faithful to Abraham? How was Abraham faithful to God? Are Abraham’s descendants faithful? Is God faithful to Abraham’s descendants?
So why punishment? God is compassionate, gracious, slow to anger and abounding with loyal love [Exodus 34:6]. Why does he punish? Is suffering the punishment of God or the consequence of human sin? Does viewing the bible as a mosaic help us to begin to try and answer such questions?
How has this preaching series challenged you? What do you need to work at in you walk with Jesus?
Bible Project’s Character of God series