In v10 Paul “rejoiced in the Lord greatly that now at last you have renewed your concern for me”. If we stop there it sounds like Paul was almost impatient waiting for the Philippians to send him a gift. Finish the verse and into v11. Check v17! What was the reason for the delay? Why did Paul even want the gift?
Paul has learnt to be content in all circumstances [v11]. What is Paul saying in v12? The usual reading is that sometimes Paul had plenty, maybe before he was a Christian, and sometimes he is of more slender means. However, vv13,18 says that this is Paul now a Christian. A very literal translation would be “I know both being humbled and how to abound” [v12a]. What is Paul’s “secret” [v12b]? Re-read the beautiful description of Jesus in 2:5-11!
Again, how does Paul do the impossible, being humiliated and yet abounding [v13]?
Paul calls the time he departed from Macedonia “the beginning of the gospel” [v15]. Philippi is in Macedonia [Act 16:12]. This “beginning” was when the good news of Jesus came to Philippi. When was “the beginning of the gospel” for your city or nation or tribe etc? When was “the beginning of the gospel” for you? What changes has the gospel made? Do you give thanks to God for the gospel?
Read v18 again. Where is Paul borrowing these words from: “a fragrant offering, an acceptable sacrifice, well-pleasing to God”? Why might Evangelical Christians shy away from sacrificial language? However, we are a “royal priesthood” [1 Peter 2:9]. What pleasing sacrifices are we offering to God as a community? What sacrifices have you offered to God as a royal priest?
Can we be too generous? What does God to for the generous Christian [vv17,19]?
Paul’s final word is that “the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit” [v23]. How has this letter helped you better understand the kindness of Jesus and his faithful “saints”?