Matthew 7:6-12_1. Dogs and pigs [v6]_2. The Father who gives abundantly [vv7-11]_3. The golden rule [v12]
1. Dogs and pigs [v6]
What has Jesus just cautioned his hearers about [Matthew 7:1-6]?
What contrast does Jesus make in Matthew 7:6 compared to his previous teachings?
In the Jewish context, who were typically referred to as "dogs" and "pigs"?
How does Jesus challenge the traditional Jewish understanding of who is worthy of God's message?
What does Jesus warn about these "dogs" and "pigs"? What would they ultimately do to Jesus?
How does Matthew 7:28-29 describe the crowd's reaction to Jesus' teaching?
What is the passage suggesting about the true identity of the "dogs" and "pigs" Jesus has in mind?
2. The Father who gives abundantly [vv7-11]
What three actions does Jesus encourage in Matthew 7:7? What are the promised outcomes?
What comparison does Jesus make between earthly fathers and the heavenly Father?
How can a person understand this passage if they had an abusive father? How would you help them?
How does Jesus describe human nature in contrast to God's nature in this passage?
What possible misconception about asking for anything we want does the Lord’s Prayer address?
Have you been disappointed by unanswered prayer? How do you understand such things?
How does the passage describe God's character as a Father?
3. The golden rule [v12]
What is the Sermon on the Mount primarily about, according to the text?
What does Jesus call the concept of living in right relationship with God and others?
What are the two aspects of right relationships?
What is the Golden Rule? What aspect of righteousness does this rule address?
Apply the Golden Rule to judging others?
What does Jesus mean by “the Torah and the Prophets"?
According to Jesus, what is the main message of the Hebrew Scriptures?