Matthew 7:24-27: The two builders
We are at the end of the Sermon on the Mount. What does it primarily contain?
What choice does Jesus give at the end of the sermon?
What does the rock symbolize in the context of the sermon?
What do the storm and flood symbolise in Jesus' analogy?
Will those who build their house on the rock still face storms?
What does the whole Sermon on the Mount invite us to do?
What does life that can endure through the storms and into God's everlasting Kingdom?
Matthew 7:28-29 The astonishment of the crowds
What authority does Jesus draw on in contrast to the scribes?
The crowd are amazed but what else does the whole Sermon demand of us?
There is no mention of mention salvation in the Sermon. How do we enter the kingdom [Matthew 3]?
What happens next [Matthew 8+ff]?