The Holy Spirit was present in the beginning when the land was formless and empty [Genesis 1:1-2]. Why is he present in the creation of the tabernacle? Clue? Look back to last week’s preach.
What do we again notice about the materials that are being used? What was this to remind us of?
We often think of the Holy Spirit in a mystical, or supernatural, sense but what else does the Spirit do?
The Sabbath requirement is repeated in vv12-17. Where do we first meet the sabbath? Look again at question 1!
The word for sanctuary, or holy space, in Hebrew is קֹדֶשׁ (qō·ḏěš). It is the same word that is translated holy. In English we nearly always put a noun after an adjective. We can’t just say “a holy”. We to say what is holy, e.g. sanctuary or holy space. In v14 we are told that the Sabbath is קֹדֶשׁ (qō·ḏěš). Holy! A holy what?
How was the original sabbath rest [Genesis 2:1-3] disrupted?
How do we re-enter that Sabbath rest [Hebrews 4:9-11]?
Bible Project’s Exodus 19-40 study notes