What sorts of materials were used in making the tabernacle and its contents including the priests’ clothing [25:1-9]? What is the tabernacle supposed to remind us of [Ezekiel 28:11-19, Revelation 21:18-21]? The imagery is largely lost to us, but mountains and gardens were the abode of the gods in Ancient Near Eastern mythology.
The lid of the arc was made of pure gold [25:10-22, Hebrews 9:4-5]. Who will dwell over the lid or “mercy seat” or “atonement cover” etc [depending on your translation]? The nations around Israel placed images of their gods over their arcs. Why is there no image of YHWH?
Twelve loaves of bread were placed on the table in front of the arc [25:23-30]? What did the twelve loaves represent? In the nations around Israel, food and drink were offered to the gods for them to eat. Who eats the bread that is placed in front of YHWH? What else might bread be linking to in the big story?
What are the rings for on the altar [27:1-8] and the arc? What does this tell us about God?
Blood was sprinkled to seal the covenant [28:16,20,21 etc]? The covenant with Abraham was initiated with the shedding of blood [Genesis 15:1-15] and sealed with bloody circumcision [Genesis 17]. Why did Jesus shed his blood [Matthew 26:28, Mark 14:24, Luke 22:20]?
The high priest could only enter the sanctuary, or sacred space, by being purged of sin through the shedding of blood. This is very clear in Hebrews 9:12. How did Jesus enter the most sacred space?
Is blood always necessary for atonement [Exodus 30:14–16, 32:30–33; Leviticus 16:10; Numbers 16:46–47 etc.]?
Historically, there have been quite different understandings of atonement, how God forgives us, within the church and even within the Evangelical community. Something very helpful an Egyptian friend, who is a pastor and teaches in a seminary, told me some time ago is that he believes that what God did for us in Jesus in his death and resurrection is so rich, so deep, that we will spend an eternity to fully understand it! Amen!
Bible Project’s Exodus 19-40 study notes