What stood out or challenged you in the passage today?
We first met Jethro, Moses’ Midianite father-in-law, in Exodus 2. Who were the Midianites? See Genesis 25:2-6; 1 Chronicles 1:32.
What are some of the links between Jethro and Melchizedek? Read Genesis 14:17-24.
A priest is needed for YHWH to approach a human. Who was the priest on the burning bush incident [Exodus 3:1-22]?
In v7 Moses bowed before his father-in-law. Read Leviticus 19:32. Do we give sufficient honour to those older than ourselves?
Jethro offers a burnt offering to God and then he eats bread with Moses and Aaron. What are some links to bread in this story and later in the bible?
Read the passage again and note anything else that stands out or challenges you. Pray that the Holy Spirit would enable you to change and be more like Jesus and demonstrate the unity we have in him.
Bible Project’s Exodus 1-18 study notes