What stood out or challenged you in the passage today?
Revelation 15:3 says, “And they [the seven angels] were singing the song of Moses, the slave of God, and the song of the Lamb…” Who is the Lamb? What are the similarities between Revelation 15:3-4 and Exodus 15:1-19?
Read vv2-3. There is Yah [short for YHWH] the God of Moses’ father, presumably Abraham, AND YHWH who is “a man of war” but “YHWH is his name”. Who revealed himself to Moses in the burning bush? YHWH or the “angel of YHWH”? Is this a trick question? Is there anything we can conclude?
In v12 the earth swallows up the Egyptian charioteers BUT they were drowned and their bodies washed up. How would you explain this? What does being swallowed up by the earth mean?
Read Joshua 2:9-10. Rahab is speaking 40 years later. What does this say about the terror and dread that fell on the Egyptians [v16]?
Dead v17 slowly. Can you spot any Edenic language? What sort of land is YHWH taking them to?
Read the passage again and note anything else that stands out or challenges you. Pray that the Holy Spirit would enable you to change and be more like Jesus and demonstrate the unity we have in him.
Bible Project’s Exodus 1-18 study notes
Bibe Project’s Torah Crash Course: Exodus