What stood out or challenged you in the passage today?
At what time in the Jewish year did Jesus die [Matthew 26:2]? What is the significance?
Although translated Passover, the Hebrew pesach, derives from the verb pasach that means “to protect”[1]. The “passover” language derives from the Latin Vulgate [5th century AD]. Clines identifies a substitutionary semantic to the word[2]. Christ is our Passover lamb [1 Corinthians 5:7]. Who is Jesus protecting? What is Jesus protecting us from?
The tenth plague was the death of the firstborn, the ultimate punishment on the Egyptians who did not believe and refused YHWH’s mercy. Jesus is the unique, μονογενῆς, son of YHWH. Do you see a connection? Were all the Egyptians punished [Exodus 12:37-38]?
Passover was in the first month of the Jewish calendar? Why? The early church broke bread on the first day of the week [Acts 20:7]. What to you think of our recent practice of having communion every Sunday? Does it give a pattern to our week?
Much later God sends an angel, the destroyer, to destroy Jerusalem because of their sin. The Israelites can become like the Egyptians. Who protects Jerusalem from this judgment [1 Chronicles 21:15-16]? Who protects you from your sin?
Read the passage again and note anything else that stands out or challenges you. Pray that the Holy Spirit would enable you to change and be more like Jesus and demonstrate the unity we have in him.
[1] “The name of the Passover, פֶּסַח (pesaḥ), is etymologically derived from this verb [פָסַח (pāsaḥ)]. Isaiah 31:5 mentions that Yahweh will preserve (pāsaḥ) Jerusalem and deliver it from its enemies. This use is close in sense to the use in Passover accounts of Exod 12.” Spencer A. Jones, Lexham Theological Wordbook, 2014. See also M. R. Wilson, The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, Revised, 1979–1988, 3, 675–676.
[2] David J. A. Clines, The Dictionary of Classical Hebrew, 8 Volume Set (Sheffield/Sheffield Phoenix Press, 1993).
Bible Project’s Exodus 1-18 study notes
Bible Project's Torah Crash Course: Exodus
LCC Exodus preaching notes