Ephesians 1
What stood out or challenged you in the passage?
Israel was God’s elect people but who is God now also adding to the elect [vv4-5]
What did God plan from all eternity to do in Christ [v10]?
What makes Paul suddenly burst out in prayer [v15]? How is this a model for us? Think of the Lord’s Prayer.
Where is Jesus now [vv20-23]? What confidence should that give us?
Paul is very conscious of the “heavenly places”, or the world we cannot see [vv3,20 and later in 2:6; 3:10; 6:12. How aware are you of this realm? Why would the Christians in Ephesus have been so aware of the unseen realm?
Read the passage again and note anything else that stands out or challenges you. Pray that the Holy Spirit would enable you to change and be more like Jesus and demonstrate the unity we have in him.
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