Read Jonah 3:1-5. Does he impose the gospel on the Assyrians [see also Matthew 10: 14? Does he share his testimony [it was utterly spectacular!]? What is the concern about the use of personal testimonies in evangelism?
Being an evangelist seems to be a special role, or office, in the church [Ephesians 4:11]. Does that mean if I am not an evangelist I don’t have to do evangelism [Acts 8:1-8]?
Read 2 Corinthians 2:15-16. Aroma and fragrance are likely a reference to incense and the function of priests. Israel was to be priests to the nations [Exodus 19:6] but after the golden calf rebellion [Exouds 32] narrowed down to just the Levites [Exodus 28:1-3]. But now all of God’s people are priests [1 Peter 2:9]. How does this fact inform your understanding of evangelism?
The great commission [Matthew 28:18-20] was faithfully obeyed by the early church on a daily basis [Acts 8:25]. We all have gifts [1 Corinthians 12:4-11]. How are you using our gifts to share the gospel?
Do we convey joy when we share the gospel [1 Peter 1:1 etc.]? If we don’t have joy how do we nurture joy [Hebrews 12:1-6]?
Is John 3:16 enough? Why do we need the whole bible to share the gospel?
Does evangelism make any sense if we are not actively involved in a church? Discuss. [Hint: have another look at qu. 6.