4:1–20 — Sower, seeds and soils
The parable is well known. What does Jesus say in v9? Why didn’t Jesus family understand [Mark 3:20-21]? Why couldn’t the scribes understand [Mark 3: 22-28]? This sets the stage for what he will say to the inner circle [vv10-12].
Read v10 and go back to 3:23. Why is it all parables to the scribes?
Jesus explains by quoting Isaiah 6:9-10. Read Isaiah 6:1-13. The Bible Project video on Holiness will help with Isaiah 6:1-7. What is happening here. It is strange so take your time! God addresses the divine counsel [v8a]. Who is going to take the message of vv1-7 to God’s people? Isaiah offers [v8b]. God warns him that they will not listen [vv9-10]. For how long [v11]?
In other words, verses 9–10 are a very stark statement of the preacher’s dilemma: those who resist the truth can be changed only by telling them the truth, but to do this exposes them to the danger of rejecting the truth yet once again—and maybe this further rejection will push them beyond the point of no return and they will become irretrievably hardened in mind and heart (Heb. 6:4–8).
J. Alec Motyer, Isaiah: An Introduction and Commentary, vol. 20, Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 1999), 84.
Who is the only person that can pull the people back from unbelief and judgment [Isaiah 6:13b]?
How many types of soil are there? What sort of soil are you?
As modern urbanised people we may miss the point that a farmer in first century Palestine would not have sown seed in unfertile land…
Some seed falls on pathways, some on rocky ground, some among thorns, and some on good soil. This typifies the austere farming conditions prevalent in the rocky terrain and scrub vegetation of Galilee. Farming in Palestine was a hardscrabble affair (Jer 4:3; Jas 1:11), and the farmer sows unsparingly. Farming instructions in the Mishnah decreed that farming should be orderly, methodical, and with special care given not to mix seeds (m. Kil. 2:3ff.). But the sowing in Jesus’ parable is far from orderly and methodical; it is profligate, almost wasteful.
James R. Edwards, The Gospel according to Mark, The Pillar New Testament Commentary (Grand Rapids, MI; Leicester, England: Eerdmans; Apollos, 2002), 128.
What does this tell us about the graciousness and loving kindness of God?
4:21–25 — Lamp
Read vv21-25 and Isaiah 42:6, 49:6 and 60:3. Read the parable in terms of Israel. What is Jesus saying?
4:26–29 — Secretly growing seed
We now know a little more about biology but still much about plants and growth is not understood. What does this parable tell us about the kingdom of God?
4:30–34 — Mustard seed
Read vv30-34. What does this parable tell us about the growth of the kingdom? Are we seeing growth. How can we explain growth, or lack of, in terms of the parable of the soils?