2:1–12—Forgiving and healing a paralytic
A paralytic is brought to Jesus for healing. What does Jesus do first? Why is forgiveness more important than healing? Does God always heal? Does God always forgive? What can we offer people, from God, with certainty?
Capernaum is in the very north of the country in on the shore of the Sea Galilee. Jesus does not go up to Jerusalem until much later [Mark 8:27-10:52]? What will happen to Jesus when he publicly goes up to Jerusalem [Mark 11:1-16:8]?
2:13–17—Call of Levi and eating with sinners
Jesus calls Levi to follow him. What is Levi’s response. Why were tax collector despised by the Jews? What were the Jews hoping for?
Jesus ate with “sinners”. Who was calling these people sinners? Who needs Jesus? Do you need Jesus?
2:18–22—Question about fasting
Can you think of a modern metaphor that works better than patching and wineskins? What is the point Jesus is making?
2:23–28—Jesus as Lord of the Sabbath
How does Jesus understand the Sabbath? What is your view about a weekly day of rest?
3:1–6—Healing on the Sabbath.
Why do the Pharisees want to kill Jesus? Why are they so angry? Is there a lesson for us here?